Posted by Oshane Simms on 11th Feb 2023

Born on the island of Jamaica in a small community called St. Dacre in St. Ann. I was raised by my mother and beloved grandparents for the 1st decade of my life in the district of Rosetta in a very humble environment. We were not financially stable and my life did not consist of the greatest amenities but I was raised with love. I now acknowledge my grandfather as my role model because of the attributes he added to my life over the years I spent with him. I later moved to a city called Portmore with my mom in the urban parts of Jamaica at the beginning of my teenage years where I discovered my love for fashion. I started creating damaged jeans with the use of a razor blade, utilizing blazers and fedora hats to create a unique style for myself. That would cause me to be noticed as person of fashion at the events, I then grew a passion for fashion. The Idea for Simms Urban Styles came from being persuaded to do styling for other persons, then I wondered how can I do more with fashion. I designed my first piece in 2021 and published it for sale but quickly got discouraged because of manufacturer defects with my first design. I revamped my brand, found a new manufacturer and began designing again in September 2022 and re-launched in October 2022. I started with sweatsuits for the winter season with my first official collection "Illegal Immigrants", I will explain the concept in my next blog post. Now I am focused and ready to take this brand to a new level.